Building works are under way

The Trust has appointed CityAxis on a design and build contract for Halley House School at 52-58 Arcola Street, E8 2DJ. CityAxis is an established London contractor with extensive experience of building and refurbishing education buildings.

Proposed second floor plan. Please click to enlarge.

Proposed second floor plan. Please click to enlarge.

Since the appointment of CityAxis nearly three weeks ago we have had a site kick-off meeting and two design review meetings to finalise the internal design of the school. This drawing represents the floor plan of the second floor showing the current proposed layout of the Years 2, 3 and 4 classrooms. We are scheduled to conclude the finalised design of the building within the next two weeks.

Strip out of the building has already largely been completed, with an extensive review of the existing materials within the building and assessment of what can be retained and renewed.

An asbestos survey has been undertaken and the strip out of low level asbestos will commence this week in a few selected areas. Meanwhile the complete removal of all the internal partitions in the rest of the building will commence this week.

The remainder of the timetable proposes splitting the works into two:
1) Initial works to achieve completion of the classrooms for the Reception children and the downstairs kitchen, hall and office areas for September 2015.
2) Further works on the first and second floor to complete the remainder of the works, with the whole building scheduled to be handed over on 30th October 2015.

Artist’s impression of one of the second floor classrooms

Artist’s impression of one of the second floor classrooms

We will provide regular updates on the building throughout the construction period and, once sufficient progress has been made and the building is safe for visitors, we will seek to show parents around the building.



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