Modern Foreign Languages (Spanish)

Modern foreign language teaching at Halley House aims for all children to be able to interpret, create and exchange meaning within and across cultures. Children celebrate and are active advocates of cultural diversity and use this to develop ideas, opinions and knowledge about the world.

We teache Spanish to all children, aiming to equip them with a breadth of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills which lay good foundations for further foreign language teaching at KS3.

Children are introduced to Spanish from the EYFS, where they begin to explore the patterns and sounds of language through songs and rhymes. In KS1, children start to expand their knowledge of Spanish phonics, grammar and vocabulary through weekly fun lessons, led by the class teacher. These skills are consolidated in KS2 with an increased focus on explicit speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. Learning is also embedded into the school day and classroom routines.

Children’s language learning has purpose and promotes a passion for the subject. Lessons are interactive, fun and allow the children to use all the language at their disposal to explore and interact with the world around them.

“I liked learning the numbers to 30 because it’s a pattern. Now I can work out how to say any number, even numbers bigger than 100!”

“I love being able to teach everyone what I say at home. They always practise what I teach them”

“I already speak two languages and now I know three! It’s so much better to speak more languages because you can speak to more people and learn from them”.